The Story
In the Summer of 2014, Strip-Straps inventor, Fletcher Cox found himself in particular situation. As a kayaking guide at Arawak Expeditions on St. John in the US Virgin Islands, he hitchhiked to and from work everyday on crumbling roads through jungle mountains. At the same time, Arawak's customers would enter the shop with improper footwear for kayaking trips. They would wear flip flops and risk cutting their feet on the coral, or ruin their favorite tennis shoes in the salt water.
As a problem solver, Fletcher took it upon himself to improve his Flip Flop's stability. After tearing apart an old life jacket, Fletcher used fishing line, a rusty needle and spare Velcro, to build the first prototype and has been refining Strip-Straps ever since. From the product's inception, we have taken and tested Strip-Straps all over the world: from Bahamian Beaches to the Peaks of the Pyrenees Mountains - From The Eiffel Tower to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Through all trials and tests, Strip Straps perform above and beyond expectation.
Strip-Straps as a product epitomize our mission to facilitate outdoor recreation with minimal environmental impact. As a brand, we hope to inspire others to get outside and chase their passions - whether you are wearing flip flops or not, we feel satisfied knowing that our customers take the time to do what they love.
We are dreamers and doers - we create products for the unrelenting individuals in a world of conformity - for those whose blood runs wild and rampant - for those who would rather lead than follow. Strip-Straps the first step in developing a range of products that enable sustainable outdoor recreation with minimal environmental impact.
Strip Straps are a registered trademark of StarFlox LLC, the holding company for the brand.
Contact us anytime by email at or phone at
(320) 321-9217
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